The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”- Ronald Reagan
How refreshing to have a VP candidate standing up for America. Pence may have been a nice guy but he sucked standing up for the President
JD Vance is awesome! I can’t wait to see the debate with JD Vance and tampon Tim! I hope JD addresses the the tamon dispensers in the boys bathroom!
Where was this dim witted woman when the Good Lord passed out brains? Is she really stupid enough to believe that bone spurs wouldn’t be diagnosed (or not diagnosed) by a doctor?
Its the Lying CNN, ABC, CBS< are nothing but LIARS
Time line, !6:38. Question, is that the same S.S. lady that originally hid during the attempt on OUR President Trump. Is she the same woman in the clip where President Trump was getting into sudan and she ‘s there with pistol in hand and could not get it in holster after several attempts. Someone, let me know
BTW, Pence was not a nice guy. He sabotaged Trump every chance he got. He is a full-fledged RINO in every sense. He was also just interviewed (I don’t remember which media source) and he said he would not vote for Trump – I read it just yesterday. It did not mention who he planned on voting for, probably Harris. Pence is for the forever wars and open borders.