BREAKING: Trump JUST SHOCKED the Nation with New Plan!



This country isn’t a Democrasy but rather a constitutional Republic.

We need to remove Obama from office


  1. A Simple question is asked by the voting people of the United States. Who is a better future President of the United States that can represent the people, and hold the highest office in the land that can protect, preserve and defend the constitution of the USA. A CERTIFIED FELLON? OR AN HONORABLE LAWYER? I SAY TO ALL VOTING AMERICANS. DO THE RIGHT THING.

    • You are joking ,right ??
      A simple question:

      Would you rather have Trump who has proven he can lead ? Or a prostitute who has allowed over 10 MILLION ILLEGALS to cross the border being the border czar??

      To all VOTING Americans do the right thing !!

      Under Biden/ Harris:
      Inflation is at 40 yr high. – has prices doubled, good up 15-20 percent,
      10 million ILLEGALS living off taxpayers dime while vets are kicked out of shelters
      Rampant crime on ALL DEMOCRAT run cities !! ( Even movie stars homes robbed)
      ILLEGALS murdering American citizens
      With open borders Democrats have allowed drug lords to flood America with drugs killing kids !!

      ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary

      • L-A-W-R-E-N-C-E..So this is THE WORLD we live in where senseless and unintelligent individuals want to support support an inhumane, demonic sick Convicted Felon who: lies, cheats, steal to get what he wants, a womanizer who cheated on all his 4 wives, wanna-be-dictator who lost the election and convinced the sick-minded to invade TWH. A complete nicapoop who IGNORED AND CAUSED THOUSANDS OF DEATH BY THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC. A complete nut case, laughing stock and jokes by other World Leaders. A complete embarrassment to be stricken with COVID. Donald J. Trump has been a danger to himself and now look at THE WORLD..DIVIDED BY HIS sick bias, kkk values and everything racist and criminal insane. If I was his children, I’d get him some neurological/psychiatric invention. He’s been and become unhinged since forever.

        • You wouldn’t know facts if it slapped your sorry butt. Biden had more Covid deaths then Trump, look it up and stop believing everything the Soros owned media tells you.

        • Roses Flo you poor mlsguided slut It was Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton who stated that their mentor was a senior southern democrat who just happened to also be the grand wizard of the ku klux klan you’re dumb you’re really dumb

      • So sorry you spout
        Such odd things about a man who built businesses and all his ex wives love him but forget the ho screwing a married man so she could make dollars from other peoples hard work. A thief, a whore, an adulterer. Really guys. Trump said no taxes on tips. So Kamala says the same, she copies Trump. Fannie ain’t got nothing on Kamala. America’s ho competition. Is it Fannie? Or Kamala? Who can it be now?

  2. Honorable lawyer? This is sarcasm, right? First off if that’s not the ultimate oxymoron, I don’t know what is. Now, if you’re using it to describe Kamala Harris that’s a different story. If that is the case then you are either the most misinformed person on the planet, or you’re a liar. I’m going to assume you’re misinformed so let me explain something to you. That ‘honorable lawyer’ allowed a man to remain on death row by hiding exculpatory evidence from the defendants lawyers. Does that sound like am honorable thing to you? She was going to let the man die for God’s sake! When she was DA in San Francisco the Police Officers Association wouldn’t endorse her because she put herself and politics above all else. I’ll take a felon convicted over some trumped up (pun intended), white collar paperwork crime over a psychopath like Kamala Harris any day!

  3. You need a day job! Your commentary tells me more about you than anything you say. It is bullshit but more importantly you need a real purpose in life than just hearing yourself babble. Go to night school. Get a degree. Teach school. Join the fire department. Get a job at Costco. Contribute to society and shut your mouth! MAGA will enter the history books very soon as a chapter on those who hated America as it is today.
    And you will fade into the oblivion of forgotten talking heads! And shove all your gold and silver up your ass!

  4. Trump needs to be in jail. You really want someone who can’t even accept election results band clearly states he will be a dictator on day one and he will seek revenge bin every one who went against him? This is the type of leader you want to be president? I’m sorry. I’m not following his cult. I want my freedoms. He wants no freedom for anyone. Harris/walz 2024. That’s my choice

    • Except election results? Jamie Raskin is already saying the will cause a revolution if Trump/Vance win!!!!!! Call him a convicted FELON. Show me where. Oh, there’s the cult thing. You mean MAGA? I’ll join that cult any day!

    • Trump has been proven he’s been correct about everything that has happen..too bad your a hater who knows nothing..Your the problem not Trump..anyone with common sense knows who they should vote for and it’s not- Miss Always on Knees or Tampon Tim…

    • Another ignorant one here boys. Yes Trump denied the election results. So did Carter, and several others did too, including the lying, cheating communist dirt bag Hillary Clinton. But that’s okay right? You liberals are so out of touch with reality and stuck on the lies that Soros owned media spews to you. You all are too lazy to do your own research. For heavens sake we have internet. Start using it for good and stay off the porn sites and checking the schedule for Drag shows. Hypocrite, narcissistic, socialist, ignorant liberals.

  5. 😂😂 You got me at ” nicapoop” ‼️.. 😂😂😂
    And one comment seemed to be describing JB but identifying him as DT ..???😲
    But the last 4 Years have been Hell on Earth and we don’t need 4 More!

  6. Emotions are running quite high in this election year because there is so much to lose.
    However, examining the facts displays the truths of this failed administration:
    (1) millions of illegals have entered the US, not all of whom are hardworking immigrants looking for a better life (aka, terrorists and drug dealers);
    (2) Democrats are registering illegals to vote in the federal election, contrary to the law;
    (3) inflation has crippled all Americans‘ buying power (15-30% over the spectrum of goods and services);
    (4) an uninformed public is allowing a destructive mix of socialism and fascism to ruin the economy;
    (5) veterans and those in dire straits from the exaggerated Covid fiction are neglected or underserved in favour of providing assistance to those who have illegally arrived in the US;
    (6) media do not present impartial news, rather highly skewed infotainment;
    (7) inappropriate federal government involvement in social issues merely fuels divisiveness.

    Serious change is essential to save this country from implosion.

  7. The only way to change what is going on in government is to get those over 60 years old out of it longer should be able to get funds over 25,000 in donations for campaigns from the same person or company to keep from owing favors to anyone or can’t be bought…

  8. The biggest difference between Donald J. Trump and Sleepy Joe/Cackling Kamala is President Trump actually loves this country and wants what is best for it. The other two are in to destroy it! As for the convicted felon comment, that is going to be overturned by the Supreme Court, mark my words.

  9. Dem support the blm and antifa thugs and have them push for volience all the time and get in ppl faces They want our weapons so we have to crawl like the rinos do Prest Trump 2024

  10. Trump all the way! A store order that cost me $88 dollars today, would’ve cost abt $50 or less when President Trump was in. Crooked Joe and goofy Kamala have left sooooo many ILLEGAL immigrants in this country….they have no idea who alot of them are. When Trump was in, we made money, our nation flourished and AMERICANS had jobs. We CANNOT afford another 4 years of Democrats (whichever one was running our country) or we will not recognize where we live. Trump wants to unite us…he is fighting for our freedom. Don’t vote for the wrong candidate in November. VOTE TRUMP!!!


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